Well, I've invested about 15 hours of work in the project so far and I have about 60 rows complete. You can see the pattern starting to show... it is almost identifiable as cherry blossoms!!! I know I have hours and hours of bead weaving ahead of me, but I'm really excited to see how the pattern turns out.
Because it is such a huge project, I'm working on it kind of sporadically. I have to work on shorter projects as well or else I will feel like I never accomplish anything. Every now and then I need the gratification of looking at something pretty and sparkly... and most importantly, DONE! I'll keep plugging away, and as I do, I'll keep everyone updated on my progress! I hope you enjoy the pictures of the work I have completed so far, and a couple of close-ups of the flowers.
That is going to be amazing! I love the cherry blossom pattern as well.
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